The supplier can only accept returns and refund or replace items if they are defective or damaged. Please contact them immediately or within 2 hours of delivery by contacting Customer Services.

With the exception of defective or damaged goods or returns made in accordance with these terms, We and the Supplier shall not be liable for goods once they have been delivered to the delivery address

If you are entitled to return products and the Supplier is unable to offer a replacement due to stock availability or delivery restrictions, they will offer a refund.

Perishable goods

Perishable goods or items which may deteriorate or expire posing risks to health are exempt from return and/or redelivery unless faulty or damaged on receipt. Items such as chilled, meat, dairy products, etc cannot be returned after 4 hours of leaving for delivery and after such time shall be deemed spoiled.

As these items cannot be returned to stock or resold, in the case of failed delivery; all such items are non-refundable. Any use or consumption of such products included in Your order is strongly advised against for health and safety reasons and is entirely at Your own risk.


You are at all times bound by the terms and conditions of the Supplier(s) (of the goods or services) in terms of their policy regarding Returns.


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